
Bottled mineral water company asks for €1,5 million damages from a small newspaper

Why Ossigeno is defending  Il Fatto Alimentare in a lawsuit brought in Venice by the San Benedetto - The intimidatory nature  of the litigation

In Milan Mediaset tv crew attacked by man with a stick

The incident happened shortly before midday in broad daylight in front of the central station while journalists interview waiting people on the square

I saw the Mafia, say reporter. Sued by Municipality, assisted by Ossigeno

Freelance journalist Sara Manisera is accused of defamation for a speech on the infiltration of Mafia in North Italy

Lawsuite against 16 journalists filed: they did not defame head of investigation department

The reporters had defended the suspect's presumption of innocence by saying a video released by the Carabinieri was not showing his van but another one

Ossigeno defends journalist sued for two articles on “Mafia Capitale”

She was denounced in 2015 by representative of a co-operative investigated for alleged links of one of its founders with the organised crime scandal in Rome

Andrea Rocchelli: Moscow wants to arrest and try the defendant acquitted in Italy

An arrest warrant and extradition order has been issued for Markiv, accused of multiple murder, for the death of Mironov and the photojournalist

Andrea Rocchelli was taking photos. He was targetted as a dangerous terrorist

At the conclusion of the Milan trial, the public prosecutor and the civil party detailed  the context in which the photojournalist was killed

Rocchelli trial: Ukraine celebrates while Italy is silent and awaits reasons for the judgment

Reasons are expected in January. In his hometown Vitaly Markiv was welcomed as a national hero. The disappointment of family members

Rocchelli trial. The judgment of the appeal court: Markiv acquitted, no one is guilty

In first instance Markiv had been sentenced to 24 years of imprisonment - The compensation to the civil parties from him and from the Ukrainian State cancelled

Andrea Rocchelli. Why the judgment in Italy for his death in Ukraine concerns us all

This is the statement made by Alberto Spampinato, President of Ossigeno, while waiting the conclusion of the Milan appeal trial that ended on November 3rd 2020