
A worrying no to NGO as civil parties at trial for the journalist hitten by policemen

A comment on the decision by the Genoa magistrate during the first hearing for the 2019 assault on the journalist Stefano Origone

Italy. Libel. 9000 criminal complaints & 64 prison sentences each year

Oxygen’s comments on the ISTAT figures of Italian penal libel proceedings against journalists. The complaints doubled in 5 years

May 10th Di Pietro: the law regarding imprisonment is being examined by the Court

Ossigeno's lawyer pointed out that in Italy press freedom is…

May 10th Mennella: imprisonment for journalists removed in Burkina Faso and Liberia but not in Italy

The secretary of Ossigeno emphasized in a hearing in the Italian…

3rd May Homage at the House of Jazz paid to mafia victims and journalists killed

Representatives of institutions and journalists were united on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day. A sober and meaningful meeting. Homage paid at the Muro della Legalità.