8th May Carotti (Fieg) Let us ask together for reforms to improve protection

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

The director general of the Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers has proposed a joint road map to be updated every two months. “Our thanks to Ossigeno for the tenacity and the perseverance.”

At the conference “Transparency and Freedom of Information” organised on the 8th May in Rome’s town hall by Agcom and Ossigeno with the patronage of UNESCO and in collaboration with the Lazio Order of journalists, Fabrizio Carotti, director general of the Italian Federation of Newspaper Publishers began his address with “a particular thanks for the tenacity and the perseverance with which Ossigeno per l’Informazione, initially a little isolated but then gradually creating a fundamental consensus, has shone a light on these topics. We who perform institutional roles have the responsibility to be agents in the process to protect those who in the frontline put their lives at risk in order to guarantee freedom of information”. The director of Fieg directed at associations, institutions and government agencies the proposal to create a road map which identifies what are the priorities and asking those in authority why they don’t act upon them, since it Italy it is years one has been asking to modify the legislation regarding defamation, the financial penalties and imprisonment.

“We must consider creating a form of permanent, regular observatory and shine a spotlight on public opinion to ensure it shares to the full and a partial solution to the problem. A path has been created but together we can do more.”

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