Bloody Money: Fire at the Bar and the house of relatives of reporters of Fanpage

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Investigations to determine if the fires were arson. Damage to the house of the sister in law of the director Piccinini and to the bar owned by the parents of the video-reporter Carmine Benincasa

The police are investigating the two fires, probably arson, which have seriously damaged dwellings and commercial activities of the relatives of the two most noted authors of the shocking investigative journalism video on the trail of bribes for the illegal traffic in garbage; Francesco Piccinini, director of the online newspaper, Fanpage and Carmine Benincasa video reporter of the same Neapolitan publication.

The blazes took place after around a week from the publication of the journalistic investigation Bloody Money which uncovered a trail of tenders and bribes between politicians, administrators and organised crime in the refuse sector.

Both episodes suggest an across the board revenge towards the journalists of the online publication. The investigators are making checks. The journalist investigation has created a great deal of fuss and has led to the resignations of politicians and public officials. In parallel with the work of the journalists, the District Antimafia Division of Naples has launched an investigation in which the same politicians and businessmen are involved.

Also under investigation for inducing corruption are both the director Piccinini and the journalist Sacha Biazzo author of the features (read the special of Ossigeno).

Piccinini – In the afternoon of the 22nd February 2018 a fire which according to the investigators seems to be arson, damaged the home of the sister-in-law of the director of Fanpage. In happened in Naples in via Sedile di Porto. The flames destroyed the door and part of the entrance hall and blackened the walls. The woman lives in the apartment with her husband and children. At the time of the fire there was nobody at home. The fire brigade, the carabinieri of Naples, the Digos and forensic scientists visited the scene. The investigators are seeking to determine what started the fire.

Benincasa – During the night between Saturday the 24th and Sunday the 25th February 2018 at Cava dei Tirreni (SA) the bar which includes the sale of newspapers, managed by the parents of the video-reporter Carmine Benincasa, collaborator with Fanpage, was destroyed by fire. The flames caused substantial damage to the premises and its activities have had to be interrupted. Besides the firemen experts from the police’s forensic department also visited the site. Inquiries by the carabinieri of Nocera Inferiore are underway to determine if it is a case of arson.

On the 25th February, the father of Benincasa has formalised his accusation. Carmine Benincasa is among the collaborators in the journalistic investigation Bloody Money.

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