Rome. Who can stop the great impunity for the intimidation of journalists
New strategy to fight also misuse of criminal defamation complaints. Conference and training course for journalists

Italy. In Cuneo conference the latest Ossigeno data on threatened journalist
Presented by the journalist Mauro Delgrosso at the seminar promoted by the Territories Association for the World Press Freedom Da

University courses for observers of threats to journalists
The following
proposal of Ossigeno was formulated on December…

Protecting whistleblowers and journalists. Seminar in Ghent
On 27 November 2018, Ossigeno will take the floor. The key-note speech will be delivered by Prof. Dirk Voorhoof

Ossigeno celebrates Impunity Day with UNESCO on 22 October in Rome
Ossigeno will present updated figures on impunity. international conferenceis accredited as training course for journalists to celebrate the UN International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (IDEI).