Italy. In Cuneo conference the latest Ossigeno data on threatened journalist

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Presented by the journalist Mauro Delgrosso at the seminar promoted by the Territories Association for the World Press Freedom Day

OSSIGENO – April 27th 2022 – On Tuesday May 3rd 2022 at 14:30 in Cuneo, the journalist Mauro Delgrosso will present the data from Ossigeno per l’Informazione on the intimidation of journalists in Italy with a speech on “Press Freedom in Italy. At what point are we?” He will speak during the seminar organized by the Cultural Territories Association, in collaboration with the Order of Journalists of Piedmont, on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day. He will illustrate the results of the monitoring and assistance project for journalists threatened in Italy called “MAP – Monitor, Assist and Protect” carried out in partnership with UNESCO as part of the Global Campaign for Press Freedom under the umbrella of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity of the United Nations.


Free press in a free world: from the fight against the mafia to war reporting in a day with experts and big names.

The commemorative day established by the UN is an opportunity to reflect on the role of information with Domenico Quirico, Marina Lavovic, Giacomo Di Girolamo, Luisa Impastato, Mauro Delgrosso, Alessandra Fossati, the Order of Journalists of Piedmont and the chief editors of the local newspapers of province of Cuneo.

The Cultural Territories Association celebrates Press Freedom Day, dedicating the entire day of May 3rd to the anniversary established in 1993 by the United Nations.

The initiative is organized thanks to the collaboration of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont and the patronage of the Bar Association of Cuneo, the Municipality of Cuneo, the Regional Representation of the European Commission in Milan and with the support of the Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo Foundation. .

The event will take place at the Monviso Cinema in Cuneo and will see the morning dedicated to high school students and the afternoon dedicated to journalists and lawyers who will be eligible for continuing professional development credits.

The morning, dedicated to high schools, includes two meetings that will revolve around the question “Why be a journalist when you grow up?”, A question that will be answered by the chief editors of local newspapers and the Order of Journalists of Piedmont and which will also see the exceptional  participation by Domenico Quirico, the illustrious contributor of “La Stampa”.

Attendance has already been confirmed by several classes of the Grandis Institute, the Bianchi Virginio Institute, the De Amicis Institute, the Peano Pellico High School and the AFP Professional Training Agency, suggesting a full house which is why the meetings will not be open to the public.

In the afternoon, starting at 14:30, the president of the Order of Journalists of Piedmont Stefano Tallia and the president of the Cuneo Bar Association Claudio Massa will introduce the guests to talk about:

“Rights and duty to report. When happens when defamation occurs in print media?” With the lawyer Alessandra Fossati (expert in information law and publisher of articles and contributions in newspapers and online magazines on the protection of privacy and reputation. In 2021 she won the award Defamation Lawyer of the Year);

“Press Freedom in Italy. At what point are we? “, With Mauro Delgrosso of the Ossigeno per l’Informazione (a not-for-profit organisation created to document and analyse the growing number of intimidations and threats against Italian journalists). It is carrying out the monitoring and assistance project for threatened journalists in Italy called “MAP – Monitor, Assist and Protect” within the framework of the Global Campaign for Press Freedom under the umbrella of the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity of the United Nations);

“Covering the Mafia”, with Giacomo Di Girolamo (a journalist who deals with organized crime and corruption and collaborates with La Repubblica and Il Sole 24 Ore. He is the author of the biography of the crime boss Matteo Messina Denaro: “The invisible one”) and with Luisa Impastato (niece of Peppino Impastato killed by the mafia in 1978). She has collated his documents and is the President of Casa Memoria Felicia and Peppino Impastato, committed to raising awareness and fighting organized crime;

“Press Freedom and war reportage”, with Marina Lalovic (journalist and part of the foreign editorial staff of Rainews 24. She collaborates with Radio3Mondo and  Radio Rai 3where she conducts a review of the foreign press and in-depth analyses At present she is a correspondent of Rainews 24 from Russia and Finland) and with the participation of the journalist Domenico Quirico.

The afternoon sessions will be open to the public. Individuals who do not have to follow the proceedings in order to have training credits recognised, will be able to access the room directly without pre-registration. Access will be allowed until the maximum permitted capacity is reached.

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