Other threats to Paolo Borrometi for his investigative book

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An anonymous user in a message sent to La Spia wrote, “You will not get to enjoy the benefits of success”. On October 31st 2018 the journalist Paolo Borrometi received a private message of threats on the La Spia website, the online newspaper he edits. The anonymous user congratulated the journalist for the release of his book “Un morto ogni tanto” (A death every so often), published by Solferino, and then added: “Too bad that success has costs and benefits which you may not come to enjoy”. The episode on the 14th November 2018, was formally reported to the prosecutor of Ragusa.

After the publication of the book, which tells his story of a reporter threatened because of his investigations into the Mafia in Sicily and draws an unpublished map of the Mafia presence in the provinces of Ragusa and Syracuse, Borrometi has received much intimidation: death threats, insults, offenses and warnings of lawsuits . He himself refers to it in a post; a formal complaint published on his Facebook wall on the 6th November 2018.

The first reaction, reported by Ossigeno, arrived on the 26th October 2018, a few days after the book arrived in bookshops, when the parliamentarian for the Sicilian region Giuseppe Gennuso announced he would be suing for libel.

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