Pomezia: Mayor attacks reporter on Facebook

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In a video published on his official page, Adriano Zuccalà accused Moira Di Mario (Il Messaggero) of a lack of professionalism and declared his intention to take legal action.

With a video on Facebook published on the 9th December 2019, the mayor of Pomezia Adriano Zuccalà attacked and insulted the journalist Moira di Mario, a collaborator of Il Messaggero, and threatened to take legal action against her. The mayor called the news published the previous day on the Rome newspaper of the Caltagirone Group “fake news”.

In the article, Moira Di Mario reported that a ruling by the Court of Auditors had rejected the increase in allowances passed by the administrators of Pomezia. The article is titled: “The Mayor from the 5 star political party raises wages. Court of Auditors : They must be cut.” Zuccalà, at the end of his message, says he has already asked for a rectification but that “this is not enough” and that he will therefore proceed with legal proceedings against Di Mario.

In the video, the mayor explains that his administration is responsible for applying a ten per cent reduction in allowances, and lists a series of technical measures that would demonstrate that the administration is functioning correctly. Then he goes on to attack the journalist, discrediting the articles written by the reporter with veiled irony. The first citizen claims that there are “falsehoods” in the article and that the journalist has not made the necessary checks.

The FNSI and the Rome Press have commented on the case. Many expressions of solidarity on social networks towards the journalist.


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