Palermo. Team from “Striscia” attacked by illegal occupants
Stefania Petyx was thrown down the stairs, the video operator chased and the video camera destroyed, in a building in Via Giuseppe Savagnone in Palermo.

Defamation. Three draft bills under discussion in the Parliament
Two proposals were tabled by Senator Primo Di Nicola of M5S. One punishes vexatious lawsuits against journalists; the other extends their professional secrecy. A third proposal is by Valter Verini of Pd.

Cardani (Agcom): A fragile profession in a sector in crisis
Job insecurity makes journalists vulnerable to attack. Innovation is welcome but let’s preserve a media which provides opportunities for reflection.

Guy Berger, UNESCO – the Ossigeno method is a world model
The director of the UNESCO division for the freedom of expression and media development, Guy Berger, complimented Italy for its protection of journalists.

Guy Berger (UNESCO): 4P for journalist security
For the UNESCO director, prevention, protection and judicial process are required, to which he adds “people power”.

“For four years we have been asking for justice for Andrea and Andrej”
That was the message sent by the relatives of Andrea Rocchelli to “Ossigeno per l’Informazione” on the occasion of the International Day to put an end to impunity for crimes against journalists.

In Florence on the 12th November a new Ossigeno course on disputes
There is a new presentation of the course, “Intimidating and threatening lawsuits- how to forestall them” (6 training credits) organised by Ossigeno per l’Informazione this time in collaboration with the Tuscan branch of the Order of Journalists.

Ossigeno in Brussels with journalists under police protection
“Journalists under police protection”: this is the title…

The Concita De Gregorio Case/1 Facing justice without the publisher
The journalist, former chief editor of l’Unita is a victim and a living demonstration of a serious problem revealed in 2015 and still unresolved which afflicts all Italian journalists.

Ossigeno has verified a further 8 threats – 15th October 2018
The victims are the journalists Angela Camuso and two technicians (Lazio), Federica Angeli (Lazio), Claudio Taverna (Trentino Alto Adige), Federico Gervasoni (Piedmont) twice, and Giuseppe Crimaldi (Campania). From the 1st January to the 13th October 2018 Ossigeno has ascertained and documented 221 unjustifiable attacks of the same type.