Ossigeno in Brussels with journalists under police protection

Questo articolo è disponibile anche in: Italian

“Journalists under police protection”: this is the title of the event open to the public which will take place on the 6th November 2018 at 19:00 in Brussels at the Italian Cultural Institute, via de Livourne 38, with the participation of Italian, French and Belgian journalists who will describe their experiences of threats because of their activities. From Italy there will be Federica Angeli (who has been living under police protection since 2013), from France Philippe Pujol, journalist and author and Fabrice Rizzoli, university lecturer. From Belgium there will be David Leloup, a freelance Belgian journalist.

Additional participants include the director of the Italian Cultural Institute, prof. Paolo Grossi, and the president of Ossigeno per l’Informazione Alberto Spampinato. The event will be moderated by Maria Laura Franciosi (Ossigeno).

The event takes place in the context of the celebrations of the International Day, declared by the UN to put an end to impunity for crimes against journalists (IDEI) which has already been celebrated in Rome on the 22nd October with an international conference of Ossigeno sponsored by UNESCO.

The following day, Wednesday 7th November at 10:30 the speakers will hold a press conference at the Brussels Press Club, via Froissart 95.


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