Trento: damages and insults to Voce del Trentino staff

The chief editor , Elisabetta Cardinali, also formally reported the anonymous letters full of insults to her and to the newspaper, received since last summer. Investigations are underway

Campobasso: a reporter insulted at Regional Council

During a council session Rita Iacobucci of Primo Piano Molise was insulted and pushed by a visitor who did not want to be filmed. Solidarity expressed by the Order of Journalists.

Death threats to two reporters from Arzano (Naples)

They received an anonymous letter signed with a red star. The Carabinieri are also among the recipients. A question raised in Parliament.

Messina Stadium Banner displayed against reporter

The target of Messina Calcio's extremist fans was the journalist of the Gazzetta del Sud, Marco Capuano. Expressions of solidarity from Assostampa and Sicilian Order of Journalists.

Casamonica clan family member threatens Nello Trocchia

It happened in Rome while the journalist was making the documentary subsequently broadcast on October 31st 2019 by Canale Nove on the legal affairs of the Casamonica clan

The Mayor’s denials on wall posters in Pomigliano D’Arco

In Pomigliano D'Arco (Naples). The Sugc (the united journalists union of Campania) expressed solidarity with the journalist Pino Neri (Il Mattino) who had published an article talking about an alleged burning of waste.

Facebook threats to editorial staff of “Cronache Nuoresi”

“In this part of the mountain they will search for you”, a Facebook user wrote after the publication of a news article. A formal complaint was made.

False accusations on Facebook: sentenced for libel

Sued by the journalist Mimmo Carrieri, the author of the Facebook post was initially acquitted in court and, six years after the event, sentenced in the Court of Appeal.

Judge dismisses lawsuit against Itaca News

The reporter Linda Ferrara and the chief editor Vincenzo Figlioli had been accused in 2017 by Alcamo politicians for news contained in a judicial statement.

Carsoli (L’Aquila). Journalist and cameraman denounce aggression

Serena Massimini and Ennio Balducci were attacked by two oil industry employees whilst filming in the industrial area in the province of L'Aquila.