May the 3rd and the 8th : 26,000 viewings on Twitter and 13,000 on Facebook

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All the figures on the participation on the social networks about the events of Ossigeno and AGCOM on the 3rd and 8th May dedicated to World Press Freedom Day.

The events of Ossigeno and AGCOM of the 3rd and 8th May 2018 to celebrate World Press Freedom Day involve overall 26,000 Twitter users and 13,000 Facebook users. They participated in online discussions on the themes of World Press Freedom Day sharing, re-tweeting, adding an I like, using the dedicated hash tags and citing the official account of Ossigeno. In particular on the 3rd May, the streaming in direct on Facebook of the ceremony at the House of Jazz, in memory of the victims of the mafia and of journalists killed because of their work was watched by 1,500. Postings accompanied by photographs and statements by the participants at the event obtained 3,779 impressions. On the same day, the 29 Live Tweets uploaded recorded 6,246 views.

On the 8th May for the conference in the Protomoteca of the Rome town hall, 25 Facebook posts were generated and shared which received 9,220 total impressions; the 22 Live Tweets reached 19,377 viewings.

Finally, the hash tags dedicated to the two days, namely #WPFD2018, #WorldPressFreedomDay and #ossigenoinfo have been recorded by Twitter Trend Italia as trending both on the 3rd and the 8th May.

DB (wt)

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