Ossigeno has identified a further 12 threats – 14th September 2018

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The victims include the journalists Mimmo Rubio, Mario De Michele, Maria Teresa Carrozzo, Luigi Costanzo and Sara Lucaroni with other editorial staff of Avvenire, the blogger Mario Abenante and the author Leonardo Palmisano

“Ossigeno per l’Informazione” maintains that the episodes described below represent unjustifiable violations of press freedom and freedom of expression. The names of the twelve journalists and bloggers directly attacked have been added to the list of names of victims of unjustifiable attacks.

From the 1st January until the 14th September 2018 Ossigeno has identified and documented 204 unjustifiable attacks of the same type.

1-CAIVANO (Naples) – on the 25th July 2018 in Arzano (Naples) the blogger Mario Abenante, a collaborator with the Minformo portal was threatened, insulted and attacked whilst making a video with his cell phone of the blaze that flared up in a centre for waste disposal. Irritated by the presence of the video camera several men approached him, insulted him and attacked him. During the assault police were present but they did not intervene despite the appeals of the journalist. An indictment was served.
Read the news on TeleclubItalia

2-ARZANO (Naples) – During the night between the 28th and 29th August 2018 in Arzano (Naples) persons unknown launched and exploded firecrackers against the windows of the home in the town centre of the journalist Mimmo Rubio. The episode has been formally reported to the police.
Read the news on the web site of Articolo 21.

3- ORTA DI ATELLA (Caserta) – Between the 6th and 7th August the director of CampaniaNotizie Mario De Michele received a series of threats and insults on Facebook from the brother of a man recruited by the company responsible for the waste collection of the Municipality of Orta di Atella. The insults arrived after the publication of an article (read here) in which De Michele linked the recruitment of this man with the support his brother had given to the mayor in the recent electoral campaign.
Recently Mario De Michele has been attacked and bullets have been sent to his home.
Read the news on the web site of SUGC (the United Union of Journalists of Campania).

4 –WEB- On the 29th May 2018 the sociologist and author Leonardo Palmisano received death threats on his Facebook page after the publication of two articles on the alleged links between the mafia of the Gargano peninsula and the Nigerian mafia over the management of prostitution and drug distribution in the ghetto of Borgo Mezzanone in Foggia. The first article was published on the 24th April 2018 in Corriere del Mezzogiorno; the other – signed by Goffredo Buccini but with whom Palmisano collaborated – appeared on the 28th May 2018 in the Corriere della Sera. The threatening messages “We kill you” appeared to come from five fake profiles of young Nigerian women. Palmisano made a formal complaint of the episode to the postal police.
Read the news on Repubblica Bari.

5-LECCE- On the 7th September 2018, the journalist Maria Teresa Carrozzo (Canale 85) immediately after the broadcast of a televised feature on the investigation by the Prosecutor of Lecce into vote-buying in the Lecce municipality was seriously insulted and threatened. The message sent by one of the accused states “Shame on you, remember that you have two daughters and God is great, I will get out of it all right!”
Read the news on the website of Articolo 21.

6- MONZA- in the afternoon of the 30th July 2018 Luigi Costanzo, a journalist of the Giornale di Monza was attacked and beaten up at Monza station whilst covering a violent brawl among immigrants. Whilst the journalist was recording it with his mobile phone he was followed and attacked by several of the participants in the brawl and forced to seek refuge inside a nearby shop. Costanzo was treated by the emergency services who arrived on the spot and was taken to the Accident and Emergency department of the hospital of Vimercate.
Read the news on the Giornale di Monza.

7- ROMA – The journalist Sara Lucaroni, correspondent of L’Avvenire, was subjected to attacks and threats on social media by groups linked to the Italian extreme-right. The journalist, after the publication on the 18th August 2018 of a reportage on the Syrian situation was accused of wilfully misrepresenting reality by the criticisms expressed in the article regarding the government of Bashar Al-Assad. The attacks which involved the entire editorial staff of L’Avvenire and VaticanNews were endorsed by Roberto Fiore, the leader of Forza Nuova who accused them of ignoring “millions of Syrian Catholics on the side of Assad [….] supporting those who for years have been killing, raping and stealing.”
Read the news on the website of Articolo21.

RED (wt)

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