
The HR Commissioner: Ossigeno monitoring is a valuable tool to extend

Dunja Mijatović said it visiting the headquarters of the Italian Observatory on threatened journalists in Rome

Italy. Threatened journalists in 2022. Ossigeno’s and Government’s data

Increased number, significant growth in abusive court proceedings and decrease in formal complaints to the authorities

Italy 2022. Threats double, fewer journalists report him to the authorities

564 cases compared to 288 in the same period of 2021 - The share of SLAPPs with respect to acts of violence has increased

The Ossigeno Report 2021-2022 on threatened journalists in Italy

Italy. Many threats, no countermeasures OSSIGENO - June 9th 2022…

Italy. The “minefield” in which journalists work is illuminated by a small episode

The dismissal of a lawsuit for libel against a reporter sued by the Mayor shows the tide of intimidatory lawsuits not mentioned by the official statistics

In memory of David Sassoli, journalist and President of the European Parliament

Ossigeno recognizes that the role played by David Sassoli in the European Parliament has been invaluable and recalls his commitment to the safety of journalists

Special Report on Greece. Threats, lawsuits, a journalist killed but little is said about it

Not even the murder of journalist Giorgos Karaivaz, killed in Athens on April 2021, neither threats to another reporter, has changed the situation

SLAPPs and threats. Ossigeno and the surprising data provided by CASE platform

Presented together with Vera Jourova, they minimize the phenomenon by showing episodes twenty times lower than those certified by Ossigeno

Journalists threatened. The Italian paradox has been shrunk and hidden in Europe

The European monitoring centre in its first year of activity and the Council of Europe report ten times fewer threats than Ossigeno observatory in Italy

Italy. Ever more threats to journalists. Interpellation to the Government by 6 senators

The number has doubled in a year, they say, citing data from Ossigeno and the Ministry of the Interior. What is the government doing?