Tag Archive for: giornalisti uccisi

Death threats to Foundation in memory of journalists killed
Graffiti at centre entitled to Luchetta, Ota, D'Angelo and Hrovatin that assists children wounded in war

Commemorating Giuseppe Fava, Italian journalist and mentor in critical consciousness
Sarah Vantorre studied the filmic, theatrical and literary works and the social actvities of the journalist killed in Catania and wrote this article for the Ossigeno website - They were looking for truth

Special Report on Greece. Threats, lawsuits, a journalist killed but little is said about it
Not even the murder of journalist Giorgos Karaivaz, killed in Athens on April 2021, neither threats to another reporter, has changed the situation

Memory of the photo reporter Simone Camilli killed in Gaza 7 years ago
by Maria Laura Franciosi - His human profile, his studies, his dialogue with people of other faiths in his father's memories collected by "Ossigeno Cercavano la verità" website

In Europe they shoot inconvenient journalists, a further two killed. How should we prevent this
A passage from the speech during the presentation of the "Liberal Criticism Foundation Award on Freedom". The ceremony took place on July 14th 2021

Mother of reported killed in Gaza: I trembled when he was there but I’m proud of him
Ten years after the tragic death of Vittorio Arrigoni she shares happy recollections with Ossigeno per l'Informazione and talks about the Foundation that passes on his memory

Andrea Rocchelli: Moscow wants to arrest and try the defendant acquitted in Italy
An arrest warrant and extradition order has been issued for Markiv, accused of multiple murder, for the death of Mironov and the photojournalist

Andrea Rocchelli was taking photos. He was targetted as a dangerous terrorist
At the conclusion of the Milan trial, the public prosecutor and the civil party detailed the context in which the photojournalist was killed

Rocchelli trial: when the appeal judges overturn the judgments of first degree
The opinion of the lawyer Andrea Di Pietro on the acquittal of Vitaly Markiv for the death of the italian photojournalist

Rocchelli trial: Ukraine celebrates while Italy is silent and awaits reasons for the judgment
Reasons are expected in January. In his hometown Vitaly Markiv was welcomed as a national hero. The disappointment of family members