We have the truth about Andy Rocchelli but we lack justice, says lawyer Ballerini

In order to have justice, on incidents like this, the truth must be clearly stated, she said in the message sent at the presentation of the documentary "Ciao Andy"

Rome. 2 far-right leaders sentenced to 5 years for the robbery to 2 reporters at a rally

The judgment of the Court. The reporters, attacked on January 2019, were defended by Ossigeno's Free Legal Aid Office, through the lawyer Andrea Di Pietro

The challenge of the virus to the identity of journalism

FULL TEXT - By Sergio Baraldi -Accused of catastrophic narrative of the infection, journalism must deal with the need to rethink its identity

Many ask UK: not to extradite Julian Assange

The founder of Wikileaks appeared in Court last week in London. He could face 175 years in prison if found guilty on all charges

ECHR: Renzo Magosso’s 2004 Sentence rejected

He was convicted of libel along with Brindani for writing that the police knew about the Red Brigade’s plans against Walter Tobagi

Bullets sent to the investigative website

William Beccaro, chief editor of Estremeconseguenze.it : "We…

Prerogatives to journalists needed to protect them, the Italian Anti-Mafia Attorney says

Moreover every time a vexatious lawsuit is dismissed, a trial…

Threatened journalists: out of 1706 attacks, 21% are on women

The data are calculated on the total of the intimidations ascertained…

MEPs want EP monitoring body to expose abusive SLAPP practices

The proposal for an EU directive and the creation of the monitoring…

WPFD: Commissioner for Human Rights at CoE sends message to Ossigeno

Dunja Mijatovic sends her wishes from the Council of Europe praising the monitoring of attacks to journalists carried out by  Ossigeno on the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day celebrations .