Crotone : “Go away” A journalist of LaC roughed up

Giuseppe Laratta was carrying out a reportage on the preparations of a tent city for homeless persons in a municipal structure. The incident reported. Solidarity of the union.

Ardea: a correspondent of La7 carried away like a sack of potatoes

She had been conducting for PiazzaPulita an investigation in the Le Salzare neighbourhood into commercial activities based in illegally constructed buildings which do not pay taxes to the municipality

Reggio Calabria: Videoreporter attacked in front of the police headquarters

Mario Idone (Med Media News) was filming three persons coming out having been charged with homicide. Attacked by two men. Video camera damaged.

Sink holes in Rome – Journalist from Radio One News assaulted by developer

Simone Zazzera wanted to know if he had conducted excavations in the sealed building site after the collapse. The man ripped off his glasses and threw them into the road.

Sabaudia: the car of the sociology correspondent, Marco Omizzolo, destroyed

Persons unknown damaged his car during the night. The reporter and sociologist has reported the attack. “My commitment against exploitation will continue” he told Ossigeno. He also met with the board of FNSI

Sicily: Lirio Abbate absolved in the dispute with the assessor of the economy

After six years, the claim ruled to have no merit. The deputy director of L’Espresso had been sued by Gaetano Armao for an article on salary limits

Bloody Money: Fire at the Bar and the house of relatives of reporters of Fanpage

Investigations to determine if the fires were arson. Damage to the house of the sister in law of the director Piccinini and to the bar owned by the parents of the video-reporter Carmine Benincasa

Palermo: stones thrown at the car of the correspondent of “Striscia” whilst filming drug-dealing

It happened in the Zen neighbourhood. Vittorio Brumotti and his team were unharmed. The roof of their armoured car was smashed. Perhaps the vehicle’s side was hit by a bullet. It is the ninth attack

Rome. Banner with sexist insults against reporter of “Il Messaggero”

Found in Rome at the plant that prints the newspaper. The journalist deals with news related to the world of hooliganism

Mafia Capitale. New attack against Lirio Abbate at the appeals trial

Carminati's attorney has again mocked the deputy editor in chief of l'Espresso who replies: so I've become a target. Solidarity with the journalist from Ossigeno and Fnsi