Facebook: Abuse directed at the former traffic warden of Brescello who was hunted out

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Donato Ungaro was also a journalist who was unfairly dismissed. He sued those who wanted to smear him, won his case and he will be financially compensated.

The journalist Donato Ungaro, a former traffic warden in the Municipality of Brescello (Reggio Emilia) told Ossigeno per l’Informazione that he had formally complained of serious libel against a man who, on the 28th January 2019, commented in an offensive way on Facebook about a story that concerns him personally. “I would give him 149 kg of shit,” the man wrote, adding other insulting insinuations. The formal complaint was presented to the Carabinieri of Bologna on the 7th March 2019.

The comment was inserted on the Facebook wall of a third user commenting on a news report from the “Gazzetta di Reggio Emilia” which gave an account of Donato Ungaro’s victory in a lawsuit filed by him with the Municipality of Brescello. Years ago, Ungaro had served as a traffic warden in that municipality and had been sacked which was later deemed to have been unfair dismissal. On February 22nd 2019, the Bologna Court of Appeals calculated the wage arrears due to him and sentenced the municipal administration to pay him back € 149,000.

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