Naples.Three suspects investigated for their Facebook threats to a reporterfrom Rai

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They are alleged to be those serious “haters” (very negative posters) who in February 2018 attacked on Facebook Claudia Marra a correspondent of I Fatti Vostri.

Three people have been identified and are now being investigated who, in February 2018, directed insults and heavy threats on Facebook at the journalist Claudia Marra, whileshe was working for the Rai program “I fatti Vostri”. It is a case of serial haters, i.e., people who habitually use social networks to spread hatred against others. This was reported by thedaily newspaper “Il Mattino” on the 26th November 2018.

The journalist was attacked, both publicly and in private messaging, for a report about three Neapolitans who had disappeared in Mexico. She formally reported thethreats and the Naples Police Headquarters assigned her a service of “discreet general protection”. (read here)

The reactions of the haters were triggered following the publication on Facebook of a video in which a family member of those disappeared in Mexico protested because on the morning of the 27th February 2018 the journalist after having agreed to interview him live on TV, refused.

“The investigation – wrote Il Mattino – has progressed. It has been entrusted to a specialized section dealing with offences against vulnerable groups and has at this moment culminated in the identification of three haters, three serial haters who use social media “.

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