Taranto. Threatened a reporter. Sentenced to 20 months of prison

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It is the penalty, without suspension, that Michele Cagnazzo will have to serve due to the aggravated threats to the detriment of the journalist Alessandra Macchitella, collaborator of the Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia. The Court of Taranto established it on 30 January 2018. The sentence of the monocratic judge Alessandra Romano requires the defendant to pay the victims a provisional compensation with immediate execution of eight thousand euros.

“The whole justice machine has worked well both professionally and humanly, and I can not but exalt this result,” Macchitella told Ossigeno. The journalist, a contributor to the Quotidiano di Puglia, received an anonymous envelope containing two of her articles, a photo and a sexist message: “We’ll rape you: leave drugs, rackets and usury be” (read the news on Ossigeno).

PRECEDENTS – From 2011 to today, in Puglia, Ossigeno has detected 139 serious violations of the freedom of the press and of expression committed with illicit acts, acts of violence, and abuse against journalists, bloggers, video operators, photo reporters, publishers, whose names are published in the Observatory’s Table. In 2017, 32 names were added to this list.

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