Borrometi: “I will speak about Avola” and Radio Avola panics

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The program was interrupted by the publisher. The journalist Giuseppe Notaro, host of Radio Lontra, resigned in protest

On the 6th November 2018 the Radio Lontra programme of the local radio station Radio Sicilia Avola, which broadcasts live, was interrupted for about 20 minutes on the initiative of the publisher. Shortly before, the journalist Paolo Borrometi who was a guest in the broadcast told listeners that he would talk about some affairs in Avola (Syracuse).

At the beginning it was thought to be a technical problem. But then a frank exchange between the publisher and the program’s host, the journalist Giuseppe Notaro, made it clear that there had been a definite intention to interrupt the broadcast.

A week later, the host of the programme tendered his resignation to the publisher. Notaro told Ossigeno, “I took the decision as soon as I had confirmation that it was a censoring of both Borrometi and me.”

The Order of Journalists of Sicily expressed solidarity with Borrometi and Notaro, condemning any kind of attack and censorship.

RDM (wt)

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