Ossigeno has identified 14 other threats

Those targeted include the journalists Marco Benanti, Enzo…

Four reporters stalked by representatives of Milan football club

Luca Pagni, Enrico Currò, Carlo Festa and Tobia de Stefano…

Modena. Stones thrown at a video-reporter

Gianni Galeotti was filming the fences erected by the residents…

Montante spied on three other journalists

The journalists spied upon are: Marco Benanti (Iene Sicule),…

Mafia. A new death threat made to Paolo Borrometi

“You have little time left” said an anonymous note sent…

Excrement thrown against the tobacconist’s shop belonging to the journalist’s father

The journalist Giampiero De Luca who had already been threatened…

Battipaglia. Correspondent of Striscia La Notizia is threatened with a knife

Edoardo Stoppa had gone to the home of a man suspected of poisoning…

Threats signed with a swastika sent to the director and other journalists of La7 news programme

The anonymous letter was signed "Boia chi molla". Besides Enrico…

Defamation: Chief Editor and a journalist from Il Fatto Quotidiano are acquitted

The investigating magistrate found that Vincenzo Iurillo and…

A Strange burglary at the house of a Fanpage journalist

Sasha Biazzo is the author of an investigation into waste disposal…