Three reporters from Striscia la Notizia are threatened

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The reporters were involved in three different episodes; Luca Abete in Naples, Edoardo Stoppa in San Ferdinando di Puglia, Vittorio Brumotti and his troupe in Milan

Luca Abete

La Striscia‘s correspondent, Luca Abete, was heavily insulted in Naples by a man who tried to hit him with a stone despite the intervention of a security guard. Abete was making a reportage on electric mopeds sold as assisted pedal cycles.

The feature of Abete, in which the aggression can be seen, was broadcast on 31st January 2019 (watch here).

The attacker shouted to the reporter: “You are a speculator, you are infamous, you are not welcome in Naples. They have already given you in the middle of the road what you had to have, big shit”.

Edoardo Stoppa

Edoardo Stoppa, sent by Striscia la Notizia, was threatened in San Ferdinando di Puglia (BAT) by the family of two men, owners of a farm deemed not suitable for the care of animals.

“I advise you to leave as soon as possible. You are hurting yourself. If you have children, you’ll lose them. I’ll shoot you, “said the man approaching Stoppa.

The feature was broadcast by Striscia la Notizia on the 28th January 2019 (watch here). After the investigation by the journalist, the Forestry Agency sequestered the farm.

Vittorio Brumotti and the video-cameramen

Vittorio Brumotti, a reporter from Striscia la Notizia, and his team were insulted and threatened by some drug pushers in front of Milan’s central station. The feature was broadcast on the 21st January 2019 (watch here). Some young foreigners threatened them and kicked the reporter’s bicycle. One of them also produced a Taser.

The new assault comes a year after the previous ones that Brumotti and his team have suffered for their investigations into drug dealing in major Italian cities. One of the previous attacks occurred in Milan at the beginning of last year.

DB (wt)

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