The infected blood scandal, Kelly Duda and the Factor 8 video investigation

Who is the Arkansas journalist denounced by a Naples magistrate for offences against the prosecutor and defended in Court by Ossigeno per l’Informazione ?

Read: Why is Ossigeno assisting him?

WHO IS HE – Kelly Duda is the producer and director of the famous documentary “Factor 8: The Arkansas Prison Blood Scandal” (see here). This documentary, released in 2005, brought to light a scandal of international dimensions which called into question the unscrupulous behaviour of the American authorities and pharmaceutical companies from various countries, including Italy. In the documentary, it was claimed that thousands of patients who had received blood transfusions obtained from the infected plasma died because they themselves became infected.

In Arkansas, for his investigations, Kelly Duda was subjected to numerous acts of retaliation: tyres slashed, break-ins, stolen files and more.

The evidence and the documents he unearthed were used to help 5500 “forgotten” Canadian victims who fell ill with contaminated blood, who in 2006 received $1 billion in compensation from the Canadian federal government.

On July 11th 2007, Kelly Duda testified in London (the only American to do so) before the UK Parliament’s Commission of Inquiry into Contaminated Blood, conducted under the supervision of Peter Archer, Lord Archer of Sandwell (known as The Archer Inquiry on Contaminated Blood and Blood Products)


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