The latest Bad News from Italy – March 1st, 2020

Report on the worrying news about intimidation and threats to restrain freedom o the press in Italy and in Europe

Anonymous threats to Scalfari and Verdelli

Suspicious anonymous packages and a bomb alert at La Repubblica. Threats to the founder and chief editor of the newspaper. The judiciary is investigating

Letter with Bullet sent to the reporter of Vairano

Giancarlo Izzo of follows the protests against the construction of a turbo gas power station. Insulted by protesters

Lawsuits against Volleyball for its criticisms

They want to intimidate me, says Luca Muzzioli, editor of Volleyball otherwise they would have asked for a correction to my articles.

The Lega funds’ affair: L’Espresso reporters acquitted

Salvini and other party representatives had sued for five articles in 2018 regarding the 49 million euro of electoral reimbursements confiscated and which had largely disappeared.

Foggia: Go away! But the reporter does not leave

Domenico Di Conza (Sharing TV) resisted the pressures of a businessman and formally reported him for threats. He says: all because I criticized his wife- a councillor.

Salerno: police protection for Vincenzo Rubano

The reporter had received threats. He collaborates with "Striscia" and Vittorio Brumotti, who meanwhile has been attacked with a knife

Calabria: stones thrown at the car of Klaus Davi

The expert in mass media is investigating the affairs of the Barbaro family, linked to the 'Ndrangheta. A formal complaint filed with the police.

Anti-Semitic insults and threats to La Repubblica

Insults and threats directed at the editor Carlo Verdelli, Paolo Berizzi and Senator Liliana Segre from a fictitious social account.

Spoleto: lawsuit from the former mayor collapses

Daniele Ubaldi, chief editor of Spoleto Online acquitted. "This action does not constitute a crime".